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Tutorials borland c++

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Borland C++ 5.5 tutorial

I found on the Borland site the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 allowing to carry out programs for DOS and Windows and I will try to make you share my discoveries relating to the use of this compiler. If you have other interesting information, do not hesitate with me to make share of it.
I think that the first thing to be made is to download the compiler which in fact is a reduced version of Borland C++ builder . It does not contain an editor of code or environment of development integrated IDE like Borland C++ Builder or the visual development tools but it is perfectly operational to carry out great applications and to give matter to be reflected. In what relates to me, I prefer maitriser all the lines of code of my programs and the tools is saying magic of visual development of applications frighten me.
To download the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 :
To download the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 you must connect yourselves on the site http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/freecompiler/ and follow the indications suggested (you will have initially to record you free to obtain codes of acces who will allow you to proceed to the downloading). The file name of the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 is FreeCommandLineTools.exe and it requires 8.54Mo of space on your hard disk.
To install the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 :
To install the free compiler it is enough for you to cliquer on the name of the file ( FreeCommandLineTools.exe ) and to leave the program installation use the default options. All the files will thus be copied in the file c:\Borland\Bcc5.5.
Being given that this compiler is delivered without Environnement of Intgrated development, you will have to do it initially fonctionner under DOS or starting from Windows in a window DOS Moreover, as you will place all the source files of the application which you wish to carry out in only one file, it will be easier to you to launch the Bcc32.exe compiler starting from this file by typing the command bcc32 . So that the compiler can be launched in this manner, you must add to your file autoexec.bat the following line: path=c:\Borland\Bcc55\bin and to start again your computer.
If you type then bcc32 under DOS or in a Dos window, the compiler Borland C++ 5.5 displays its options of line of command :
Not to require to type the commands necessary to each compilation (following Bcc32 ), it is expected that the compiler will read the Bcc32.cfg file which it will have normally to find in the file c:\Borland\Bcc5.5\bin. Consequently, best and to immediately configure it by registering the following lines there:
-I"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include " : Indicate to the compiler which it must go to seek in the file c:\Borland\Bcc55\include the files of inclusion containing the definitions of the standard functions that you use in your program and that you mention to him by directive #include .
-L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib " : Indicate to the compiler that it must go to seek in the file c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib the lib files containing information relating to the corresponding functions of the DLL.
Being given that the complilator will launch the editor of links ilink32.exe to generate the executable file of your program, it is also desirable to configure the file ilink32.cfg by registering the following line there :
-L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include " : Indicate to the linkage editor that it must go to seek in the file c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib the lib files containing information to bind to your program the corresponding functions of the DLL.
By typing Ilink32 under DOS or in a window DOS one obtains the options of line of ordering of the linkage editor Ilink32.exe :
To test the installation of the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 :
To test if the compiler Borland C++ 5.5 is correctly installed on your computer, I propose to you to make him carry out small executable test functioning under DOS and another functioning under Windows 9x.
Test program functioning under DOS :
1) Create a file named c:\testdos

2) Using a text editor type the following lines (the characters located after / / are not essential. They are only used to comment on the program and will not be taken into account by the compiler :
#include <stdio.h> / / to include the file of heading containing the function printf()
int main() / / function of input of a program back written in language C or c++
{ / / accodance of opening marking the beginning of the code of the function main()

printf("Hello World "); / / to display Hello World with the screen
return 0; / / parameter of the int type of zero value having to be
/ / turned over by the function main()
} / / accodance of closing marking the end of the code of the function main()
3) Record the lines above in a file called hello.cpp and place it in your file c:\testdos .
4) Under DOS or in a window DOS since the file c:\testdos launch the compiler by typing the following command :
bcc32 hello
5) If your compiler is correctly installed you must see the text Hello World being displayed with the screen when you launch the program hello.exe generated by the compiler.

Test program functioning under Windows 9x :
1) Create a file named c:\testwin
2) With ugly of a text editor type the following lines (the characters located after / / are not essential. They are only used to comment on the program and will not be taken into account by the compiler :
#include <windows.h> / / to include the file of heading containing the function MessageBox()
# pragma argsused / / not to generate a file listing of compilation


HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow) / / function of input of a Windows program written in language C or c++
{ / / accodance of opening marking the beginning of the code of the function WinMain()
MessageBox(NULL, " Hello World ", " ", MB_OK); / / to display Hello World
return 0; / / parameter of the type WINAPI of zero value having to be
/ / turned over by the function WinMain()
} / / accodance of closing marking the end of the code of the function WinMain()
3) Record the lines above in a file called hello.cpp and place it in your file c:\testwin.
4) Under DOS or in a window DOS since the file c:\testwin launch the compiler by typing the following command :
bcc32 -tW hello
You can note that to indicate to the compiler which it is a question here of generating a program for Windows we added the option of compilation -tW (attention to respect the capital letters and the tiny ones). It should be noted that in the case or you would wish more not to have to type this option of compilation it would be enough for you to add it to the contents of the Bwcc32.cfg file (do not do it immediately or to only test because it will be further seen there is an easy way to avoid juggling with window DOS when one wishes to work under Windows).
5) If your compiler is correctly installed you must see the text Hello World being displayed with the screen inside a box of message after having start the program hello.exe (since Windows) generated by the compiler.

To get of the assistance and to use the API functions

In fact, all the basic functions which make it possible to develop a program for Windows are gathered in a unit called API (Application Programming Interface) these functions have their entrance points in the file windows.h located in the file c:\Borland\Bcc55\include. This is why one places line #include <windows.h> at the beginning of the code of the program. If one is brought to then use functions written in another file of the file c:\Borland\Bcc55\include it will be necessary to add to the beginning of the program corresponding line #include <name of the file>. If you prefer to place the file in the same file that your other sources then you will write #include "name of the file".
The documentation of the API functions and the standard resources of an application Windows 32 bits is in the file win32.hlp provided by Microsoft . One finds it with the majority of the compilers (paying). You can also use the search engines of the Web to find it in downloading on certain sites. For my part I used the Google engine which came out me the following link :
On the corresponding page you will find an input with the file win32.zip which contains the file win32.hlp :
http://www.inprise.com/devsupport/delphi/downloads/win32.zip (7.59 Mo)
You can also help you of the help files of L ' API Windows CE for a first approach of the functions which you need before looking further into search in win32.hlp or elsewhere.
The help files of API Windows CE are in downloading on the site of Microsoft :
http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdn-files/027/001/460/wince212docs.exe (5.05 Mo)
Another significant source of information is in the kit platform SDK from Microsoft like MSDN but good, for the moment let us not need any we really.
To build the principal window of a Windows application :
Here the code constituting the basic skeleton of an application Windows 32 bits which we will produce with the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 and which we will be able to modify thereafter to go a little further. C++ being extension from C and that personally I find that C is simpler than C++ and than then the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 compiles C very well , we will work out of C . In any case I do not include/understand C++ and I do not want to include/understand it because I find that I am sufficiently organized not to need to be guided artificially by the programming language him-mème and its many constraints. Moreover API functions are written out of C and the examples which are referred to it too.
#include < windows.h >
/ / declarations of variables
LPSTR lpszAppName="Ma first Windows window ";
HWND hWnd;
/ / Prototype of functions
LONG WINAPI WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
/ / Functions
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)

MSG msg;
/ / Enregistrer the class fenestrates principal application.
cls.hInstance = hInstance;
cls.lpszMenuName = lpszAppName;
cls.lpszClassName = lpszAppName;
cls.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_EXCLAMATION);
cls.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
cls.style = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW;
cls.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc;
will cls.cbWndExtra = 0;
will cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
if (!RegisterClass(& cls))
hInst = hInstance;
/ / to create the principal application
hWnd = CreateWindow (lpszAppName, lpszAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 50, 50, 640, 470, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL);
if ( !hWnd )
ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow);
while(GetMessage(& msg, NULL, 0, 0))
TranslateMessage(& msg);
DispatchMessage(& msg);
case WM_CLOSE:
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
After having written the listing above with your text editor and to have recorded it under the name fenbase.c and to have placed in the file c:\fenbase of your hard disk. Good, you can also download it directly here: fenbase.c . It will be noticed that the extension of the file is not any more cpp but c . This will indicate to the compiler or to the readers (it is more probable) than the program is written in language C (good, Si one had left cpp that would not have changed large thing as would say the other since C is a subset of C++ . Perhaps on the level of the compile time, I leave this calculation to the specialists). in short now it is necessary to write the batch to launch the compiler with the commands necessary without needing to tap keyboard in DOS each time. Some prefer to use the files make but for my part I find that it is too hard.
Summary of the files of configuration having to be placed in c:\Borland\Bcc5.5\bin :
The file batch will be comp.bat and placed in c:\fenbase. Its contents will be identical so that we had typed under DOS or in window DOS to carry out the test program Windows but with fenbase.c in the place of hello.
Consequently the contents of c:\fenbase are the following :
And after a double clic on comp.bat , a few seconds of patience and a clic on the cross of window DOS to close it when compilation is finished one obtains :
Miracle! here our small fenbase.exe on which one can double cliquer to see being displayed our basic window :
Good I reduced it voluntarily a little it should well be acknowledged.
To add resources (icons, menus, buttons etc...) to a window :
For the moment we do not have yet a window with menus, buttons etc... but it is in good way. at the end of this paragraph we will have succeeded in creating a window which is transformed into icon when it is reduced i.e. that its icon (not standard provided by Windows) will be apear in the browser or as shortened that one will want to place well on desk etc... but especially one will have apris to use a file of resources in which one will be able to add all the resources that one will want for our application.
Good for our study one will say that our small end of program will be called testres.exe and that all the files which we will create to develop it, in particular the source code (testres.c) of the window will be placed in the file c:\testres then with you to play for the creation of the file.
An icon is a resource and it must be mentioned in a file of resources (testres.rc). It is also a drawing (testres.ico) carried out with a program of drawing of icons. This file of resources will have to contain the following elements :
You will find the description of resource ICON in the file rc.hlp which is in the file b5ms.zip on site ftp of inprise : ftp://ftp.inprise.com/pub/bcppbuilder/techpubs/b5ms.zip but this file weighs 17Mo . To extract a rc.hlp from it from 237 KB that made much. I then propose to you to download an older version directly here file rc.hlp . Older but lighter (132 KB), less heavy and largely sufficient for what concerns us. In short, by opening the file rc.hlp you will find the link Resource-Definition Statements then ICON Resource . This heading will enable you to include/understand what is written in our file testres.rc and also to go to see which are the different resources at our disposal. It will be also noticed that the file b5ms.zip contains a heavier version (23,6 Mo) and more recent of the file win32.hlp mentioned above on this page.
The syntax indicated in the file rc.hlp of our resource icon for the file testres.rc is nameID ICON [ load-mem ] filename where naneID can be either an integer, or a name (character strings). In our case one will choose a name. This name will be indicated in our main file of management of window testres.c to the level of the declaration of the class of window. Here the part of the program which corresponds to the declaration of the class of window :
cls.hInstance = hInstance;
cls.lpszMenuName = lpszAppName;
cls.lpszClassName = lpszAppName;
cls.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance,"MAINICON");
cls.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW);
cls.hbrBackground =(HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
cls.style = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW;
cls.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc;
cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
I marked you MAINICON in boldface characters to voluntarily show you that one must find it at the same time in the file of resources testres.rc and the main file (patati and patata...) testres.c . by seeking the syntax of the function LoadIcon() in the file win32.hlp (it appears there, it is thus an API function final point) one finds :
HICON LoadIcon(HINSTANCE hInstance, / / handle of authority application
LPCTSTR lpIconName / / icon-name string gold icon resource to identify);
Where lpIconName (replaced by MAINICON in our program) must be character strings of the name of a resource icon it is thus gained! it does not remain us any more that to compile testres.c with bcc32.exe to make of it a testres.obj i.e. a file object (it is as that which one must call it. It is all!!!), testres.rc with the compiler of resources brc32.exe to make of it a testres.res i.e. a file of resources compiled, for then binding testres.obj with testres.res by using the linkage editor (one can also say linker) ilink32.exe and thus carrying out our executable testres.exe provided with its beautiful icon (interesting not?).
brc32.exe and ilink32.exe just like bcc32.exe are in the file of installation of Borland C++ 5.5 : c:\Borland\Bcc5\Bin consequently we will be able to carry out the batch of compilation correspondents and to carry out them one by since the browser because we defined the path c:\Borland\Bcc5\Bin in the autoexec.bat.
You will find all documentation available on bcc32.exe, brc32.exe, ilink32.exe in the help file bcb5tool.hlp provided with the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5.
To compile testres.c on the way :
Here what the file batch comp.bat must contain :
Compared to the compilation of fenbase.c we simply added the option -C for forbiding the compiler of launching ilink32.exe all alone and obliging it to create only the file testres.obj . Good, in this order, that would not have changed large thing if one had not added -C because the testres.exe created (without the desired icon) would have been crushed by the following (that moreover later with its desired icon). But it is cleaner like that.
Consequently the contents of c:\testres are the following :
And after a double clic on comp.bat , a few seconds of patience and a clic on the cross of window DOS to close it when compilation is finished one obtains the creation of the file testres.obj :
To compile testres.rc on the way :
The compiler of resources win32 is thus brc32.exe (one had not spoken yet much about it about that one). If you type brc32 under DOS or in a Dos window, the compiler of resources displays its options of line of command :
Here what the file batch rc.bat ( rc for Resource Compilation that made more fun!) for the compilation of testres.rc must contain :
As indicated higher, option -32 indicates a compilation win32 and the option -R to produce only testres.res.
Consequently the contents of c:\testres are the following :
And after a double clic on rc.bat , a few seconds of patience and a clic on the cross of window DOS to close it when compilation is finished one obtains the creation of the file testres.res :
On the way for the linkage editing (or linkage) :
Recall : The goal of the operation here is to bind testres.obj to testres.res to make testres.exe of it.
Here what the file batch link.bat (guess for link! ) must contain :
Then does that you stop a corner of it?
Thus rather make a turn in the file bcb5tool.hlp provided with the free compiler Borland C++ 5.5 (I believe that I repeat myself) to see syntax a little there which must take the line of command of ilink32 . Here what one finds there :
ILINK32 [ @respfile][options ] startup myobjs, [ exe ], [ mapfile ], [ libraries ], [ deffile ], [ resfile ]
Eh yes the place of the commas is very significant. it is enough to forget one of them and will patatra...
What is between hooks is not essential it is written in Doc.!
[ @respfile ] = file of response of the linker (it will be seen how to make some with our sauce later) for the moment one will occur some.
[ options ] = -aa : To build a Windows application 32 bits (significant not?). Better is worth being on!
startup = c0w32 it is obligatory it is all! one finds this file (c0w32.obj) in the file c:\Borland\Bcc5\Lib of the compiler. It appears that it is for initializing well the linker and all the remainder for the creation of a Windows program in the standards.
myobjs = Ah here where should be placed testres.obj !
[ exe ] = testres : One will say to him that our program will have to be called testres.exe if it would not remember it!
[ mapfile ] = Me I put nothing there. It will be able to make a file of mapping if that pleases to him and also to choose the name corresponding as long as it is there. Me that is equal for me.
[ libraries ] = import32 cw32 : good, they say that what is between hooks is not essential but if one does not write here the references to import32.lib and cw32.lib the linker never should seek the inputs of the functions the API one in these files and one wonders why testres.exe does not go: This program will be stopped because it carried out an operation nonin conformity (and I pass from there!).
[ deffile ] = If one wants to give pleasure and build a file of definition of module which one will refer here one can. Me I do not do anything. The linker will have to only manage with its default options.
[ resfile ] = Ah here where should be placed testres.res !
Consequently the contents of c:\testres are the following :
And after a double clic on link.bat , a few seconds of patience and a clic on the cross of window DOS to close it when the linkage editing (or linkage) is finished one obtains the creation of the file testres.exe :
Miracle! here our small testres.exe on which one can double cliquer to see being displayed our window :
Good I reduced it voluntarily a little it should well be acknowledged.
(There too I repeat myself?)
To carry out a file batch of project :
To develop our Windows window with its icon we broke up the various stages :
- Compilation of the main file of management of window testres.c with comp.bat.
- Compilation of the file of resources testres.rc with rc.bat.
- Linkage editing with link.bat.
In order to avoid us all this handling (tiresome it should well be said), we will gather all the commands in only one file called projet.bat (it is me which invented it). Moreover, one will make so that the messages displayed by the compilers and the linker during their work are placed in files which it will be possible to go to read time as many than one will want of it for the search for possible errors (nobody is perfect).
As long as one is there for the search of the errors, I wanted to indicate to you that file BCB5ERRS.HLP contained in b5std.zip could be very useful for you (When you want to program all alone in your corner and that you will refuse that one comes to give you consultings).
To download b5std.zip :
Here what the file batch projet.bat must contain :
One will realize that it is neither more nor less than the contents of the files batch comp.bat, rc.bat and link.bat placed at the continuation . We simply added one > of redirection towards an output file for each stage . Information which was displayed in window DOS when we proceeded in an independent way will be recorded in these files.
If one re-initialise the file c:\testres with only the files necessary here what it must contain :
And after a double clic on projet.bat , a few seconds of patience and a clic on the cross of window DOS to close it when compilation is finished one obtains :
It is the same thing that before with in more the output files comp.txt , rc.txt , link.txt , whole in only one operation. The file testres.exe is also available and it does not remain any more but with cliquer above to open our beautiful window, to make a small short cut be placed on the desk for better seeing its icon etc...
It any more but does not remain you to plunge you in the books and the help files. The description of the standard functions of the language C is in the file bcb5rtl.hlp contained in b5std.zip considering higher. When you think of being able to use a function you must make sure that it is compatible win32 while cliquant on Portability . Also do not forget to include the file of heading containing the function at the beginning of your program as we did for windows.h . You have here all the elements which you need to work to carry out beautiful applications without spending a penny. With a good editor of free code as SynEdit you will be able to do all that you want . It is enough to indicate to him the file projet.bat in its small Advanced - > Invoke DOS command for then launching compilation by pressing the key F7 then enter.
I found SynEdit on http://www.download.com by using the key word editor and to download it it is enough to cliquer on the following link: http://synedit.hypermart.net/synedit.zip SynEdit weighs 3.28 Mo.
You can also connect you on http://www.webnotes.org to see what it is possible to make out of C with Borland , to find examples of code http://www.webnotes.org/sources.htm, to use the search engines to find a file particular on Internet http://www.webnotes.org/chercher.htm etc...

coming soon sticker for tk from BSI

Selasa, 25 September 2012

size 8 x 6 cm and message before running